Fund EZ Hosted
With Fund EZ Hosted, your software is managed for you so you can devote more time to your cause.
Fund EZ Hosted
With Fund EZ Hosted, your software is managed for you so you can devote more time to your cause.
Fund EZ in the Cloud
Connect securely to Fund EZ from anywhere.
Dependable hosting offers guaranteed up times, the latest fastest hardware, software upgrades, and online backups to ensure your business critical Fund EZ system are at your fingertips at all times.
Save time and money otherwise spent on maintaining in-house networking for Fund EZ software. Contact us to learn more about these benefits:
The benefits of Fund EZ hosted solutions:
Managed & maintained
Minimal intervention
Continuous data protection
Data Security
Version Upgrades
Work from anywhere
Latest technology
Bolt on / off services
Correct license
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