Additional Modules for your Specialty Nonprofit Accounting Needs

Extend your Fund EZ capabilities or take advantage of standalone features to provide greater support for your specialized needs.


Additional Modules for your Specialty Nonprofit Accounting Needs

Extend your Fund EZ capabilities or take advantage of standalone features to provide greater support for your specialized needs.

Fund EZ Fundraising

Simplify your next donor drive or event with Fund EZ Fundraising, either as a standalone solution, or as a Fund EZ add on to streamline end-to-end accounting.

Fund EZ Fixed Assets

Streamline your fixed assets accounting across any number of entities, cost centers, and ledgers and include your fixed assets in reports as needed.

Fund EZ Medicaid

Handle all the complex Medicaid billing, accounting, and reporting requirements with ease and always stay ahead of Medicaid accounting changes.

Fund EZ Foster Care

Make NY and PA foster care accounting and reporting easier with an integrated solution that handles even the most complex income and payment structures.

See how easy Fund EZ can be.

Let’s talk about how Fund EZ can help your nonprofit save time, reduce risk, and put more money back into your projects.

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